Friday, September 14, 2012

Is The Nikon D600 Priced Too High For Its Features? | Fstoppers

Is The Nikon D600 Priced Too High For Its Features? | Fstoppers:

Is The Nikon D600 Priced Too High For Its Features?
If there was one thing that people are unanimously saying about Nikon’s new D600 “budget” full frame camera, it’s that the price is entirely too high. No matter which blog you read, it seems everyone cannot believe the MSRP of $2,099.95. But are these claims valid? Does Nikon’s smallest full frame DSLR really lack the features that professionals desire? In the full post I’ll tell you why I just bought two of these cameras and why the price seems just right.
Not really. The damn thing is $1,000 cheaper than the D800, what else do you want? You are getting a strong, light body with a full frame sensor, a proper optical viewfinder, strong auto focus and internal auto focus motor. Basically they are selling you a stronger D7000 body with a full frame sensor inside. The price is right, especially if you take into account this is basically an entry-level professional camera, it is not a premium prosumer product.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Photographic Waffling

Sony NEX-C3 with Helios 44-2 2/58 M42
Sony NEX-C3 with Helios 44-2 2/58 M42 (Photo credit: pvera)
Or "Adventures in Gear Acquisition Syndrome."

As of a week ago, I started using what would be my fourth camera of the calendar year, fifth if you take into account the previous 12 months:

Sony DSC-HX9V - Bought somewhere in May 2011, a fantastic camera but lacking manual controls and it has a Sony G lens instead of a Carl Zeiss lens, which to me is the quality standard for Sony cameras. I still own this camera, but it is being "evaluated" and will probably find a happy new home really soon. If you want to shoot HD video, and you don't care about manual control over video, this is your camera. 

Nikon 1 J1 - Bought around December 27, 2011. This one I call the "expensive mistake." Too little, too early for too much money. Nikon really dropped the ball with this one, since Sony, Fuji and Canon all issued  Compact System Cameras (CSC) with APS-C sensors. Sold it at a loss but it funded my next camera ...

Sony DSC-HX100V - Bought somewhere in the first quarter of 2012. Imagine the innards of the Sony DSC-HX9V in a DSLR-like body, with a monster Carl Zeiss 30X zoom. This was one hell of a camera, but it had a fixed lens and eventually we parted ways. Taking into account depreciation, I think I broke even on this one when I sold it. And yes, it helped fund the next camera ...

Nikon D5100 - My first DSLR since the Nikon D50. This is one hell of a camera, but Nikon over-represented its video capabilities. The autofocus hunts like crazy during video shooting, which is infuriating. If you are a creative type, and you use manual focus, you can take cinema-like video with it. If on the other hand you want to take videos of your kid playing then you are basically screwed. I got this camera refurbished, extremely inexpensive and I still own it. I don't want to sell it unless it is to somebody I know that will enjoy it since it is almost about to be declared obsolete. This is the camera that got me bored about autofocus (what's the point if the camera does everything for you?) so I started shooting with legacy lenses. While hoarding lenses I realized that the Nikon had a terrible weak spot: it can't meter on non-CPU lenses, which means it can't do aperture priority. This means that you have to set aperture, shutter and ISO by hand or by using a light meter.

Screw that.

I also discovered that there was an insane amount of activity from people using CSCs with adapters and legacy lenses, especially with Sony NEX. This happened right in the middle of the Photokina rumors season, so I had to sit tight and wait to see what came out. The NEX-5R is an awesome camera, but I really don't need a touch screen, and the new auto focus pixels are going to waste if all I do is shoot manually. The NEX-6 and NEX-7 are still too far from my budget, so that left either the NEX-5N or maybe a NEX-3F.

Then I ran into a guy running what by all means was a fire sale on eBay and immediately bought his NEX-C3, which came bundled with a Pentax 50mm f2 lens. The cost? Less than if you subtract the current street value of the 18-55mm kit lens from either the NEX-C3 or the NEX-F3. And I had just sold my 35mm f.1.8 Nikkor DX, so out of pocket it cost me $200 to move on to this camera.

I also picked up adapters for my Minolta Rokkor primes, my two Soviet-era M42 thread lenses and a Carl Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 I borrowed from a friend. It cost me $48 to adapt all of those lenses to work on the NEX-C3. And this is with full matrix metering and with aperture priority available!

I've been shooting it with the Pentax pretty much nonstop since it arrived, and I am really pleased. It is tiny, it is simple to use, and except for the shutter being so damn loud, it is perfect. Today I started shooting with my other lenses and everything works perfectly, even the Soviet lenses.

And I am exhausted from all of this camera switching. I think I need to put a moratorium on camera body buying until at least December 26, where if I am lucky I should be able to poach me some ungrateful rich people on eBay ditching their unwanted gifts. 

Test post

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet biltong turducken tri-tip tenderloin tail frankfurter. Shank ground round ball tip, prosciutto turkey spare ribs ham beef ribs bresaola ribeye cow. Bresaola brisket shoulder ground round venison hamburger meatloaf meatball shankle. Tenderloin rump jerky, flank pork loin turkey bacon sausage meatloaf. Chicken turducken frankfurter leberkas capicola hamburger, meatball short ribs sirloin pork pancetta brisket.
Pork belly fatback salami kielbasa, pork flank ball tip sirloin. Flank ribeye tri-tip shankle venison fatback. Andouille tenderloin swine bresaola biltong ribeye sirloin. Frankfurter sirloin t-bone corned beef pork chicken strip steak meatloaf pig shank kielbasa bacon boudin andouille ham hock.
Pork ball tip shoulder turducken pork chop. Pig leberkas drumstick kielbasa, frankfurter tenderloin shoulder cow turkey ribeye beef ribs sirloin. Strip steak meatloaf meatball short loin sirloin chuck. Bresaola boudin ribeye jerky t-bone ham hock. Ham sirloin t-bone pancetta tenderloin swine salami pork loin pork short ribs drumstick corned beef pork belly strip steak beef.
Sausage chicken hamburger fatback beef drumstick ham andouille pastrami swine turducken jerky boudin. Ribeye shank short ribs beef ribs tenderloin kielbasa. Capicola meatball shank, pork loin pork belly tongue hamburger turducken pig beef. Strip steak ham hock tenderloin andouille turkey spare ribs. Shank cow frankfurter tongue beef andouille boudin jerky ham capicola short loin pastrami tri-tip.
Sausage pork chop pork belly ball tip. Beef ribs drumstick jerky, capicola pastrami pork jowl meatball ribeye. Tenderloin boudin pork chop ball tip tongue swine leberkas jowl ham turducken andouille prosciutto ribeye flank. Shoulder short loin sirloin pancetta. Swine pig meatloaf tail sausage cow frankfurter beef ribs pancetta strip steak filet mignon bresaola shoulder pastrami. Capicola pork chop tenderloin chuck hamburger ribeye sausage beef rump tri-tip leberkas t-bone andouille shoulder.