Why do oil rigs go so far into the ocean to drill, anyway? Wouldn’t it be easier just to drill at the gas stations?
Oil Slick May Hit Coast This Weekend | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source | American Voices
Why do oil rigs go so far into the ocean to drill, anyway? Wouldn’t it be easier just to drill at the gas stations?
Why do oil rigs go so far into the ocean to drill, anyway? Wouldn’t it be easier just to drill at the gas stations?
Methane is present on our life-bearing planet, manufactured primarily by microbes living in cows, and all of the giant planets in our solar system have methane too, despite their lack of cows.
Methane is present on our life-bearing planet, manufactured primarily by microbes living in cows, and all of the giant planets in our solar system have methane too, despite their lack of cows.
SORRY is a FOUR-letter word with a Y at the end
SORRY is a FOUR-letter word with a Y at the end
You say you want to spend the winter in Firenza
You’re so afraid to catch a dose of influenza
You live your life like a canary in a coalmine
You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line
You say you want to spend the winter in Firenza
You’re so afraid to catch a dose of influenza
You live your life like a canary in a coalmine
You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line
Space 1999 ~ Original season one theme ~ Complete (via markh5682)
No, I am not sorry. Not my #earworm, maybe yours?
An interesting, but moot, discovery, as biologists have long known that male humans are repellent to the opposite sex once they hit the 5-liters-per-week consumption threshold.
An interesting, but moot, discovery, as biologists have long known that male humans are repellent to the opposite sex once they hit the 5-liters-per-week consumption threshold.
MOON8 1 of 6 - Speak to Me / Breathe / On the Run (via Sakanakao)
Words fail me here, this is simply pure genius. I have listened to Dark Side of the Moon hundreds of times (no exaggeration, I even use it to go to sleep) and I am fascinated with this interpretation.
A 2.5 Year-Old Has A First Encounter with An iPad (via telstarlogistics)
If I could keep PJ from throwing it across the room whenever getting frustrated I would buy him one in a heartbeat.
We shouldn’t draw too many conclusions. After all, Scarface just wouldn’t have been the same if Al Pacino dropped his head into a pile of burgers on his desk and came up shooting.
We shouldn’t draw too many conclusions. After all, Scarface just wouldn’t have been the same if Al Pacino dropped his head into a pile of burgers on his desk and came up shooting.
Brand new ipad getting smashed by a baseball bat (via THISisCaSpEr)
The cheapest iPad is $500 plus sales tax. Assuming that the iPad that they destroyed was functional (for all we know it was a display unit) it means that their idea of fun is to spend $500 on something, then smash it. It could be worse, they could have spent the $500 in heroin or cocaine and went off on a bender.
On the other hand, they could have sent the $500 to a child sponsorship charity, from 5 minutes of Googling I found plenty that will sponsor a kid for around $22/month, so these $500 could have easily kept 20-something children fed, clothed and in school for a month. Then they could have made a web page called “Here, Apple, not buying your $500 iPad means we got to feed, clothe and teach 20 kids for a month.”
Instead, they smashed the hell out of it with a bat.
Don’t Fear the Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult (via VideoguySAT)
This one is dedicated to all Stephen King, Supernatural and Cowbell fans.
The problem with the French is that they don’t have a word for entrepreneur
The problem with the French is that they don’t have a word for entrepreneur