HULC Exoskeleton Promo Vid (via RegisterPagey)
This is pretty badass. All it needs is a swivel arm to hold a rifle in front of you as you march, so your arms don’t get tired from marching while keeping the rifle at a ready position.
HULC Exoskeleton Promo Vid (via RegisterPagey)
This is pretty badass. All it needs is a swivel arm to hold a rifle in front of you as you march, so your arms don’t get tired from marching while keeping the rifle at a ready position.
“What happens to all the stuff left inside a foreclosed house when the ex-owners jet? The bank contracts these guys to haul it all away in what is called a “trash out.” Here’s a short video following a crew of junk chuckers.”
Are Violent Video Games Adequately Preparing Children For The Apocalypse?
Bonuses were determined based upon the performance and the retention of people, and there is nothing that happened in the world or the economy that would make you say that those were not the right thing to do for the retention and the reward of the people who were performing,” Thain said, according to the transcript.
Can you believe this asshole? There was nothing, absolutely nothing, going on that would make it a bad thing for him to approve $3.6 billion in bonuses, funded by bailout money, right before declaring a $15 billion loss.
Four of those people got a combined $121 million. 696 people got at least one million each.
The Count meets Cookie Monster - Classic Sesame Street (via sawing14s)
For PJ and Ian, two of the Count’s greatest fans.